

Education isn't all about helping people learn and suceed, it's also a business. Also, as such, instructors need to be paid as well as the cost of maintaining the school and making sure that the school recieves the latest books and other course materials. Thus, if you have your heart set on obtaining a post secondary education, you will most definately want to make sure that you can finance your way through it well in advance, before you even apply to the school of your choice.

1. Education Is Essential

Make no mistake about it, having a post secondary education - even if it's just a bachelors, is a huge step in the right direction for you. Many people have been misled to think that a college education is not necessary to get a career in nursing due to the booming industry, but this just isn't so. You might get a bottom of the barrel job but thereafter there will be no room for advancement.

2. No Money? No Problem.

Like many people, you have your eyes set on a particular program of study but you just don't seem to have the funding to allow you to dedicate your time to your studies. Many students end up working part or even full time during school and this just isn't possible for many students due to the demanding coursework. Thus, if you want to pursue a nursing education, there are organizations and grants that can help you finance your tuition.

3. Financial Aid Officers

Financial aid is often the solution to many peoples problems. While talking with the financial aid officer, you should take it as an advantage to meet the guidance counselor or a professor of the nursing department. These people could tell you anything about the grants for nursing students available in your area. They can also provide you with lots of other indespensible information that you can't get anywhere else.

4. Inquire Directly

It never hurts to contact the head of the program directly at the school or schools you are looking to apply to. They will likely be able to take a minute out of their day to answer some of your questions, but not much more, as they are very busy individuals and their time is worth a lot of money.


Consolidating Your Student Loans

Getting through school is a worthwhile accomplishment. You start a new life, hopefully launch into a new career, and have to start paying those college bills. By consolidating your student loans into a single payment, you can take advantage of lower monthly payments and possibly receive a longer repayment term. Here are some tips on how to consolidate your college loans to enable you to manage your debts better and enjoy life more while you are doing so.


When you ready to consider a consolidation of your student loans, it will be necessary to keep all private loans separate from your federal education loans. They cannot be consolidated together.

The best time to consolidate your college loans is during the 6-month grace period that you get right after you graduate. When you consolidate during that time, you can receive a .6% greater discount in interest than if you wait until the grace period is over. The basic interest rate on consolidation loans for your federal college loans will be the same wherever you go.


Be sure to talk to your potential lender about what options you have in the way of payments before you sign a loan agreement. There are four main options available to give you the most comfortable repayment deal possible. Here are the various options you have:

• Standard Repayment - equal payments over an extended period, but short enough to reduce interest.

• Graduated Repayment Plan - This plan allows you to start with small payments that increase as your salary increases (for Federal loans only).

• Income-Sensitive Payment Plan - put a stated percentage of your paycheck toward paying off your college loan (for Federal loans only).

• Extended Payment Plan - This plan gives you the most time to pay back your education loan, but you also will pay the most interest.


If you are thinking about going for a graduate degree, now is the time to make that decision - before you consolidate. Remember that your college loan payments are not due as long as you are going to school half time or more. After you consolidate, however, monthly payments for private college loans are due each month – and they cannot be reversed.


The benefits that you receive from the new lender may be different than the benefits you have now. Be sure to understand what privileges and requirements will apply to your new loan once you consolidate. After you sign - you are stuck with whatever you got, and a new consolidation is not possible.

Be careful to consider all of the costs to you that may apply. Anytime that you extend the length of the payments you are also increasing the amount of the interest that you will pay. While you do want the time period of repayment to be long enough to be comfortable, it is not a good idea to take as long as possible – unless it is absolutely necessary. When you consolidate private college loans, make sure that you can pay off the loan early without any penalty fees applying.

Before you apply for a college loan consolidation, you will want to calculate your budget to make sure that you leave enough money each month for you to be able to enjoy some things and possibly even move forward in your career and life. Also, do not forget that your interest rates become locked once you consolidate. This means you will need to leave some extra money for annual cost of living increases.


When you need to consider consolidating your college loans, you do not want to wait very long. Besides enabling you to take advantage of the lower interest rate for federal loans, you can also keep your credit intact. If you wait longer than the grace period and cannot make the payments, you could badly damage your credit and cannot consolidate afterward.

When you default on loan payments, it will be necessary to get caught up before you are allowed to consolidate your debt. This makes it even harder to repair a problem credit rating. Consolidate your college loans early and save yourself the headache later on.


Truth Or Myth - The Legalities Of Cash Gifting

This article is a no nonsense approach to learning the truth about Cash Gifting programs and disposing of the "myth's". I've been hearing all kinds of crazy stories and getting calls from people wanting to know the truth behind these programs, so I decided to investigate. I’m sharing the surprising TRUTH about Cash Gifting programs to assist others in getting the FACTS, not the hype and half truths other marketers WON’T tell you and don’t want you to know. Let me define it for you first so we are all on the same page, then I’ll break it down in layman’s terms for you to understand: Cash Gifting can be defined as: The act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a declared sum of cash, (as a gift) and giving it freely without coerce or consideration.

There are quite a few cash gifting systems out there, but the most legitimate ones will require documentation provided by that cash gifting program, it will be done in a way where the inviter has to actually speak to the invitee at some point, and it will have typically been in existence for a solid length of time. Cash gifting systems that are based on honesty and integrity use what is known as the EZ1Up program. Documentation must be involved and the appropriate tax codes must be followed. The REALITY is: If structured properly, the 1-up gifting programs are legal. Since Cash Gifting is a private activity and NOT A BUSINESS, there doesn’t have to be a product. The United States IRS Tax Code, Section 26 defines explicitly the taxation responsibilities that apply to cash gifting programs.

The IRS Tax Code gives us the rules involved with gifting. Please visit http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p950.pdf?source=ttcom4home1. In essence, you can receive up to $11,000 from any number of individuals without any taxation implications. In excess of $11,000, you are required to report the monies received as income and pay a regular income tax on them. It’s legal and lawful for one person to give a gift to another person with no tax liability on either party if the gift does not exceed $12,000 in any calendar year. For gifts over 12,000, the GIFTER is required to file a Gift Tax Return and MAY also be liable to pay Gift Tax. The Constitution gives us the right to do it and The IRS Tax Code tells us how to do it. The IRS does in fact allow cash gifting as a way of reducing the tax burden on your estate, but Tax Code Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511 makes it completely clear that in order to qualify as a gift, the money you give to someone else must be given with absolutely no expectation of a return. If you want to give more than $12,000 to someone (or more than $24,000 to a married couple), the IRS requires you to file Form 709, and you MAY be liable to pay Gift Tax on any amount over the allowed figure. No one who receives cash as a gift is ever required to pay taxes on it.

In the US, the Legal foundation is based on two well known documents: the IRS Tax Code and the Gift Tax Law. In researching gifting programs, the illegality lies in how the program is structured. ○ If the structure involves a central collection and distribution point, it can be deemed illegal. ○ If distributions are paid out of a pool and depend on new contributions to fulfill promises, then the activity may be deemed illegal. ○ If promises of guaranteed returns are made or insinuated, it can be deemed illegal. ○ If the activity is referred to and promoted as an investment or a business, it can be deemed illegal. Nothing in the Tax Code makes the giving of gifts of any amount legal or illegal. Show me the legal code where it states that it is illegal for me as a private citizen to send my property (be it cash, software, books, furniture, clothing or any other property) to another private and free individual of my choosing for any reason. It's more scary to me to think that some people in our free world actually believe that giving your property to others SHOULD be illegal.

It is of the utmost importance to understand gifting is strictly between the giver and the receiver, but structured levels are created in these activities to facilitate the integrity of the activity and to make them sustainable, simple and easy to understand. This is a lot different than any other work at home opportunity you have came across, because cash gifting really is on an island by itself. Understand this and repeat it over and over again, cash gifting is not something that can be left alone and expected to work. You may find some of this information that I write a little surprising and less hyped up than that of some of the other articles or ads, but I strongly believe that being 100% truthful is more powerful than telling you I make $100k per month and that you will too. Any home based opportunity needs a proper plan of operation to be a success, even a Cash Gifting program. I’ve realized that helping people is very rewarding, and the laws of attraction are in our favor when you are constantly giving. As with anything else in this life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you put nothing in, you get nothing back, so don’t start screaming “SCAM” if you haven’t done a darn thing to help it along.


Tips For Surviving a Timeshare Presentation

If you have ever been on a nice vacation at a really great resort, there's a good chance that someone has invited you to come and sit through a presentation. But not just any presentation – a timeshare presentation. Most vacationers have been exposed to this kind of invitation because they are the most likely people to actually buy. So if you're taking a vacation soon and you suspect you will be persuaded to attend a timeshare presentation, here are tips on how to survive one (or a few):

Make sure you know what you're getting into.

Before you take a vacation, try to research about any possible timeshare presentations that you might come across with while you're at the resort. That way, you'll find one that offers you the best opportunity at a schedule that is the most convenient for you. And yes, try to look for signs that it might be scam so you can protect yourself.

Know your incentive for coming to the presentation.

What are you there for, really? Is it to browse available real property for future purchase or maybe you just want to sit through it so you could qualify for the gift or discount at the end of the pitch? When you attend a timeshare presentation, make sure to keep your focus on the reason you're there in the first place, so you don't make any decisions that could affect your future finances.

Ask if you can afford it.

Buying a timeshare means getting money out of your wallet to pay the company that offers it. And that's not all. There's a regular payment you have to make over the course of many years, not to mention the fees you have to shoulder to cover for maintenance and other related expenses.

If you want to survive a timeshare presentation, don't feel pressured to sign up for anything, especially if you feel it's not right for you or if you don't have the budget at the moment. Remember that there's always a next time – the right time when you're not only a willing attendant to the timeshare presentation but also a capable buyer.

Ask if you want it.

Never jump into making a decision you might regret later on. Remember that when you buy a timeshare, you're actually buying a long-term investment. However, it's not the kind of investment that functions in the same way as regular real property. Timeshares don't appreciate over time. And since most of the advantages of buying a timeshare rides on how regularly you or someone you know takes a vacation, you might not really want a timeshare because you don't really need it.

If you want to survive a timeshare presentation, make sure to keep this in mind.

Go ahead and take the freebie.

Even if you don't buy or promise to buy anything, don't feel guilty. If the folks who organized the timeshare presentation gives you a gift that is appropriate for your particular circumstances, accept it and thank them. Some people feel reluctant about accepting gifts from salespeople they don't actually buy from but it's perfectly okay. You're not actually taking away a huge cost from these salespeople because the freebies are part of their marketing strategy and are already factored into the costs of producing the presentation.

The people who put up these timeshare presentations rely on the law of averages (which, by the way, is quite often on their side). That means they're likely to recoup their investments thanks to great sales pitches and the folks who actually buy timeshares from them. So next time you get offered a gift during a timeshare presentation, go ahead and take it. Don't worry. The salespeople will survive.

Download Free Online Movies - The Ethics

It is possible to download free online movies legally, with or without p2p file sharing software. It is not the peer to peer networks that are illegal but the way they are used, and it unfair to blame the tool and not the user.

It is not only downloading free online movies that we are discussing here, but also so-called free music downloads and video game downloads. Here we shall not only be looking at P2P software services and how they are used illegally and the ethics of free online music and movie file sharing, but also how to download movies and music legally.

A. P2P File Sharing Software

Peer to peer file sharing software allows users to connect to specific file formats on the hard drives of other members of the P2P network that are connected to the network at the same time. You can use one of the free open source P2P file sharing networks such as Gnutella directly, though most prefer to do so through a paid membership system that offers some benefits over the raw option, including accelerated music and free movie downloading speeds, enhanced file storage and retrieval, more reliable downloads, absence of dangerous malware, such as adware and spyware, and connection to more sources.

To locate a free movie, music track or game to download, you simply enter the name of the movie, track, artist or even genre and you will receive a list of what is currently available on the network, the quality of the reproduction, the file format, and how many sources are currently available online from which to download. The more sources for each track or movie the better. Click on your choice, choose the destination folder and the download starts. It is very easy to use.

You will download free online movies simultaneously from all sources (hard disks or other storage devices) offering your choice of free movie download (or music track or free game). The more there are then generally the shorter the download time.

B. Download Free Online Movies Legally

Free movie downloads (or music or video game downloads) are legal if the movies or entertainment files are not copyrighted. There are many public domain and non-copyrighted files available online that you can find using a simple internet search using your favorite search engine. You can legally download as many such online movies or music tracks as want.

Many new movie-makers that want their work publicized sometimes offer their work copyright-free, as do many people who make home movies. The same is true of new bands and singers that want to build up a fan base before releasing their work commercially, or that want to advertise a new album by offering free music tracks from it. Others might release a beta version of a new game on a P2P file sharing network to get any bugs sorted and also a sense of how well received the idea or concept of the game might be.

In other words, free legal movie downloads, free online music downloads and legal free online games provide a benefit for both the originators and the users of such free entertainment files. The problem lies in the illegal downloading of copyrighted work.

C. Illegal P2P File Sharing

Peer to peer file sharing becomes illegal when the files being shared are under copyright. This applies to all current chart hits and online movie blockbusters, new games and most commercial software that is not open source or in the public domain. Most work produced over the past 50 years is liable to be copyright protected, although much of it is also copyright-free, and can be downloaded. A good rule of thumb is if you are unsure, and then don't download it. Unfortunately most people download free online movies illegally.

A good membership P2P file sharing network should inform you if you are attempting to download free online movies or music that requires a license to download - another advantage of using a paid peer to peer network. It is unfair to condemn the software or the P2P network because of its misuse - the software is not illegal and neither is its use: it is the way that most people use it that is illegal. But should it be?

D The Ethics of P2P File Sharing and Illegal and Legal Movie Downloads

Who are movie and pop stars who openly use drugs, trash hotels and blatantly and publicly break other laws and get away with it to complain when kids break the law by copying one of their tracks or movies? The movie and music industry would be better spending their time putting their own house in order than chasing high school kids and fining their moms for downloading free movies or music tracks.

However, although that is my opinion, there are circumstances where those that download free online movies illegally can damage the entertainment industry. It is the professional movie, music and video game pirates that use P2P file sharing software to download entertainment files and copy them to portable storage devices such as CDs and DVDs by the hundreds of thousands for sale that are causing the real problem, and it is they that should be vigorously pursued, not the kids.

A major problem with this is that a large number of these pros are Asian, and it is not possible to prosecute these people in their own countries. So where does that leave us? Is it ethical to prosecute and give massive fines to people breaching copyright using P2P networks while being unable to touch those causing most of the damage? Is it right to fine a kid for copying a track from an album, who then goes on to purchase that album or even to buy a ticket for the live concert because they liked what they heard or saw?

Many of the whingers owe part of their success to illegal music downloads, because it was partially through these that they came into public prominence. The ethics of P2P free movie downloads and illegal music downloads are not as clear-cut and unarguable as those mooting them might have us believe, although we are not yet in a situation where anything other than legal movie downloads and paid music file sharing can be justified.

P2P file sharing networks are not all bad, however, and in a free world should never be made illegal - only used properly and intelligently by artistes, designers and the public alike. One day we will be able to legally download free online movies and music that has been specifically produced for promotional and testing purposes, and this shall become a common marketing and testing technique for new film and music genres, and new video game ideas.


US retailers in battle at dawn

Retailers, smarting after a weak Christmas selling season, stepped up efforts to lure bargain-hunters on Friday, with large stores opening at dawn across the US and shoppers being promised extra discounts if they spent money before lunchtime.

Even with the deep discounts ahead of Christmas, the latest analysis of retail sales indicate that the 2008 shopping season has been one of the most difficult in decades.

In depth: US downturn - Dec-09Finance workers wary as downturn hits Boston - Dec-26Headhunters feel the squeeze as jobs are axed - Dec-26Ski resorts fret about economic chill - Dec-26UK retailers braced for ‘horrible’ year - Dec-26Retailers responded on Friday by slashing prices even more and opening their shops for longer.

JC Penney opened some of its 1,000-plus department stores at 5.30am, the earliest opening on the day after Christmas in the company’s history. In a novel move, the retailer offered customers the chance to sign up for wake-up calls to their mobile phones.

Macy’s opened its flagship department stores in New York and San Francisco at 6am on Friday. Full-page adverts in newspapers on Christmas Day spelled out the many bargains to be had, such as an offer by Brooks Brothers for an additional 15 per cent off purchases made before 1pm on Friday.

Yet Brooks Brothers on New York’s Fifth Avenue did not appear particularly busy on Friday morning, with no queues of people waiting to pay. Although there was a steady stream of tourists in the famous midtown Manhattan shopping district, many appeared to be shopping only with their eyes.

“It is much quieter than usual, shopping is much easier this year,” said Bruce Lewandowski, a New York resident who was shopping at nearby Saks Fifth Avenue, which opened at 8am.

Retail sales over the period, excluding petrol, fell as much as 4 per cent, according to SpendingPulse, which tracks US retail spending.

Luxury sales were hit worst, down more than 34 per cent compared with last year, SpendingPulse said. Electronics fell over 26 per cent, with sales above $1,000 particularly weak relative to last year.

Despite a steady increase in pre-Christmas bargains, these offers do not appear to have made up for the overall reduction in spending. Poor weather and widespread snowstorms have further discouraged shoppers in many parts of the US.

Retailers are trying to make up for the loss by luring shoppers looking for post-Christmas bargains.

One shopper said he was planning to go to Macy’s on Friday, but only to return Christmas gifts that he did not like. “It will be crazy due to all the discounts. I think lots of people will be returning gifts and then looking for bargains,” he said.

Discounts are now expected across the board. “I’m not interested in 60 per cent off a candle, but would be interested in 60 per cent off [designer clothing],” said John Thalman, who was also shopping in Saks.

Hopes that online shopping had fared better amid the wider retail gloom gained some support on Friday with the news that Amazon, the world’s biggest web-based retailer, had taken in 17 per cent more orders on its busiest day of the Christmas period than it had the year before. Other internet retailers did less well than Amazon, which was helped by heavy price discounting and shipping offers. By the beginning of this week, online sales in the US, the world’s biggest and most mature market, had slipped 1 per cent compared with a year before, according to figures from ComScore, the internet measurement company, although direct comparisons were complicated by the shorter shopping season this year.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

GMAC gains access to Treasury lifeline

GMAC, the ailing consumer lender owned by General Motors and Cerberus, the private equity firm, gained access to the US government’s $700bn rescue fund for the financial industry this week after it won a bank charter from the Federal Reserve.

The company could obtain up to $6.3bn in capital from the US Treasury, according to estimates from CreditSights, though GMAC has not disclosed how much it has applied for. A bank charter also grants GMAC eligibility to issue debt guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of up to $17.5bn.

In depth: Detroit in distress - Dec-21Lex: Banking on GMAC - Dec-15Lex: Last chance saloon - Dec-19Video: Dan McCrum on the Detroit rescue - Dec-19Broader access to the Fed’s discount lending window and greater ability to gather deposits are further benefits of operating under the tighter regulatory framework of a bank charter.

The Fed approved GMAC’s application to become a bank holding company late on Wednesday in spite of slow progress on the lender’s attempts to raise capital through a $38bn debt restructuring. Banks have to maintain higher regulatory capital levels than other lenders, forcing GMAC into its second multibillion-dollar debt restructuring in a year and exposing bondholder reluctance to accept further losses on GMAC debt.

The key banking regulator said the application had been accelerated because of “emergency conditions” driven by “unusual and exigent circumstances affecting the financial markets”.

The Fed also pointed to the Treasury’s decision to provide emergency loans to GM to help “stabilise” and “improve [GM’s] viability” as contributing to its decision. GM and GMAC are highly dependent on each other, with GMAC’s recent pronounced pullback in lending making it much more difficult for GM to sell cars.

However, the Fed granted the charter on the condition GMAC change its ownership structure, dealing another blow to private equity forays into auto finance. The regulators insisted Cerberus and GM reduce their stakes substantially and put control of GMAC into the hands of company management and a reconfigured board.

A Cerberus-led consortium of funds which owns 51 per cent of GMAC will have to distribute the equity to its respective investors until its stake is reduced to 14.9 per cent of the voting shares or 33 per cent of the total equity of the company.

GM, which owns 49 per cent of GMAC, agreed to reduce its stake to less than 10 per cent of voting shares and total equity interest and transfer the remainder to a trust. The trust will dispose the remainder of the GM holding in three years.

The car and mortgage lender joins a string of non-bank financial institutions given bank charters from the Fed allowing them to tap into government assistance.

Search For Cheap Wedding Favor And Save Money

For some couples, one of the most important task when they are planning for the wedding is to save money. In fact, a wedding can certainly cost you a lot of money. You should consider various ways to save money if you have a relatively tight budget. You can save money on your different wedding items. You can try to save money on your wedding venue by considering the number of guests carefully. You can also save money on your wedding invitation by searching for some discount item. There are also ways for you to save money on your wedding. Favors. You may think that the best way to save money is to prepare wedding favors for only some of the guests. However, this is not a right attitude to save money. Your guests are coming to your wedding to bless you. You are also trying to share the joy with your guests. There is not point for you to just prepare wedding favor for some of the guests. In order to save time, you will need to have a budget plan. You should understand that wedding favors can be something very expensive. Of course one of the ways to save money on this issue is to search for some discount items. Some couples will tend to think that discount items are not something good. There would like to make the wedding favor elegant. As a result they may not want to take are look at the discount item s
ections of some online shops. In fact, some discount items can really be very elegant. However, you must spend some time to search for it. There are some shops which will offer beautiful and elegant discount items. In fact, you can also be able to search for some cheap wedding favors from the superstores. You can purchase some inexpensive chocolates or cookies as your gifts to your guests. You may think that it will make the gift look cheap! However, you can make it very elegant if you can pack it well. You have to spend some time and put some effort of the packaging if you would like to make it elegant. You can purchase some beautiful bags to and put the cookies in them. You may even try to create a small paper box yourself as the package of the wedding favor. Adding a gift tag to it is certainly a perfect idea. There are a lot of ways to make the package and gift elegant. However, you will not be able to do it if you are reluctant to spend your time to do so. If it is possible, you should avoid purchasing the favor which bear a wedding theme. It will be a lot more expensive for you to purchase cookies in the shape of a wedding gown. It is very true that it can be a lot more meaningful if the gift bears such themes. However, you need to think about your budget before you make the decision of purchasing.


Creative Writers, Unite!

When I started creative writing, I felt like the Lone Ranger. I didn’t know a single writer, or a single writing rule, for that matter. Further, I had no idea where to go to get the knowledge. Creative writing classes were too expensive, and it never occurred to me that the library had a wealth of information at my disposal (duh); thus, I was totally on my own. There is no worse way to learn writing than that.

After writing for two decades, I accidentally stumbled into a creative writing group. It made a huge difference in my life. It was there that I found leadership capabilities; it was there that I ventured into the vast, empty space beyond anything I had ever dreamed. As a direct result, I have founded two writing schools.

Here are six good reasons why you should join a writer’s group:

· Find other writers who think and act as you do. You can talk in forums, by email, or chat privately. Other writers understand how you feel.

· Other writers can critique your work, and you will critique theirs. By this simple but effective method, you can improve your writing by leaps and bounds. (Don’t get your feelings hurt by someone criticizing your favorite story. On the contrary – use 95% of their suggestions to edit it, and then put it out again for more reviews.)

· Being part of a writing community gives you awesome opportunities to search out latent talents and bring them to life. You can create contests (or help others who create them). If you like graphics, you will have a wonderful opportunity to sell them and gain exposure.

· You can browse various ports and read material by other authors. Then it will be your duty to give a review on their work. The more detailed your critique, the more they will appreciate it. Tell them if they miss a comma, or should have used a semi-colon; tell them if their plot was thin or the scenery didn’t convey to an image in your mind. This is what they need to know to improve their performance. By interacting in this way, you will soon learn what is good and bad writing, and what you want to emulate, and what you should avoid.

· If you are an experienced writing, stretch yourself by experimenting with a new genre. A writing group is the perfect place to try out new material.

· Prove all the people wrong who said you will never finish what you start, and that you will never be a real writer! A writer's group is the best place possible to practice your trade to perfection.

You will find dozens of writing sites to choose from. Yahoo has an unlimited number, but another site that you should check out is Writing.com. It is one of the leading writing groups on the net. It has a lot to offer. Membership is free, and you will receive lots of instructions to help you get started.

Find more free writer’s information below.

Is Black Tea Good For You?

Tea is enjoyed the world over, but every now and then this question arises- is black tea good for you?

All true teas, including this widely known beverage come from the Camellia sinensis plant.

Whether the final product will be a white, green or even black, it is determined by the amount of time the tea is allowed to oxidize or ferment.

Green and white tea are not oxidized and are processed very minimally while black tea is a fully fermented beverage.

This oxidation/fermentation process does alter the chemical composition of the plant, thus altering its beneficial properties.

Now with this being said, this pleasurable beverage is very good for you.

While it may not be as high in antioxidants as white or green tea, the differences are not earth shattering.

This beverage is very high in tannins and has many other beneficial properties.

Studies have shown that this amazing drink slows the aging process with its free radical scavenging abilities.

Studies have also suggested that this beverage slows cancer growth. It achieves this by causing simply causing the cancer cells to self destruct. But unlike chemotherapy, the healthy cells are unaffected by the compounds found in black tea.

Did you know that it is also an effective weapon in the arsenal of anyone suffering from hardening of the arteries or high cholesterol?

The components found in this drink help your arteries to relax and expand which lessens your risk for heart attack or stroke and reduces the bad cholesterol levels.

Who knew that a drink, enjoyed the world over since times immemorial, is also so healthful!

There have also been studies which show that drinking this beverage with milk may also alter its ability to provide these cancer fighting and high blood pressure reducing services.

The milk contains a protein known as casein and this protein has been shown in several studies to negate the beneficial properties found in this wonderful beverage. By adding milk to your black tea, you may be doing yourself a disservice if you wish to reap the full benefits of this amazing beverage.

In a study conducted by a German professor of cardiology, the subjects who were given this amazing drink with milk had significantly lower instances of arterial expansion. Similar studies were also conducted using laboratory rats and once again, the arteries of rats given this beverage with milk were not relaxing nearly as much as arteries belonging to rats who were given black tea without the addition of milk.

More studies need to be done, and this is by no means a definitive conclusion.

As an added bonus, it can also help you burn fat and speed up your metabolism!

Can this tea get any better?

More and more studies are being conducted daily which further prove and substantiate what Chinese herbalists have known for centuries- this satisfying drink is healthy for you.

So to put the question “is black tea good for you” to rest, the answer is a resounding YES!

Drinking this wonderful beverage is one of the best things you can do for yourself, but maybe just hold off on the milk!


Select College Student Credit Cards Wisely

College student credit cards allow you to find the most benefit in funding your education, your expenses and even a little fun (just a little) while you are away at school. There are a variety of credit card companies that offering multiple college credit card products targeted for students. If you are interested in these opportunities, you should first commit to investing the time to thoroughly research the landscape of credit cards for college students. These cards can provide the following benefits:

* Fund your expenses at school

* Vehicle that provides an opportunity to manage your finances more effectively

* Begin building your credit score for future use, providing opportunity to obtain lower APR’s and higher credit limits

* Provide a credit history foundation for home loans, car loans and other big purchase ticket items requiring credit

How To Choose College Student Credit Cards

While on the lookout for college student credit cards, there are many things to consider. The opportunities are not hard to find as there is a wide selection offered by the likes of Discover, Chase, Citibank and American Express. Yet, there is more to finding the best college credit cards than just these things. Doing your homework is critical or you could end up wasting a lot of money.

Here are some additional things to consider:

* What is the APR? This is the single most important aspect of any credit card. It is the price tag, so to speak, that the card will charge you for effectively renting their money. Find the lowest APR that you can. The higher the APR the more you will pay if you carry a monthly balance so be wary of those high APR's.

* Are there any fees? Often times, there are annual membership and cash advance fees on college student credit cards. Yet, at this point, you need to insure that you get the card offering the least expensive APR's and associated costs possible from the very beginning.

* Does the card require a co-signer? As a young student, you might be brand new to the credit game. As such, you may have to have a parent or another individual (also known as a "co-borrower") with good credit sign the application. This effectively reduces the risk to the card issuer of default on your account. You may also be able to get a lower interest rate if you go this route.

* A good choice for parents? Parents can often use college student credit cards to help fund their child's expense requirements while at school. They can even help the parents carefully monitor where the card is being used.

College student credit cards give students and young people the ability a credit vehicle for purchase activities but also offer a significant opportunity to build credit. College credit cards allow you to fund your education while simultaneously providing a solid credit foundation. Yet, it is extremely important for you to invest some time looking at the many varied offers. This way, you can feel confident in getting the overall best product for your needs. At a bare minimum, be sure to compare at least 3 to 4 college student credit cards to determine what each of them can offer you.


The Benefits Of Student Loan Consolidation

Are you tired of paying interest on student loans every month? Do you have increasing anxiety about your looming deadline to pay back your loans? There is an easier way that will ease your worries. Get your student loan(s) consolidated. One simple operation turns many headaches into one manageable situation.

There are many financial institutions offering school loans to college students. The problem is their interest rates are generally quite high. Students paying interest monthly on their loans often find it financially impossible to keep up. Then when the loans come due, it can be a huge burden and a disruption to building a career.

Student loan consolidation offers the best deal. Not only are the interest rates low, but also there is a 6 to 9-month grace period, only one monthly payment, and peace of mind.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy:

1. Make only one monthly payment, rather than paying several separately.

2. Make an overall lower monthly payment.

3. Applications don't require a credit card check or processing fees.

4. Have a very low, fixed interest rate that cannot exceed more than 8.25% at any time. National interest rates are now at a 40-year low.

5. Terms and payment plans that are very flexible. Providers can design your consolidation loan to meet your financial situation.

6. Ability to prepay your loan at any time without incurring a penalty.

7. Save an additional quarter-percent on your interest rate by paying electronically. Electronic debit option saves money and eliminates the chance that you'll forget to make on-time payments.

The government program is competitive with the private institutions. Student loan consolidation rates are fixed and can't be modified after the contracts are approved and signed. Whenever you graduate or cease to be a full time student, you can also enjoy the grace period that allows you time to become employed and repay your loans easily.

Students who are within their grace period, those who can't repay what they still owe on their student loans, as well as those who are still in school, may take advantage of consolidating their government-guaranteed loans.


Is Doubling Stocks A Scam?

After Years Of Trading, I'm Really Cynical About Most Newsletters!

This is a review that comes from my personal experience with Marl "The Stock Trading Robot".

The Doubling Stocks newsletter provides stock picks that are chosen by an extremely expensive, and very high tech automated trading system that sells for $28,000 dollars (US). No, that's not a typo, $28,000! At that price and sophistication level, its definitely a system for the "big kids". There is however a way to play. For only $47 you can subscribe to the newsletter, and get the picks that were done by Marl in time to place a trade for the opening bell. Once you've subscribed, you get Marls picks in your email at regular intervals.

Over the past 15 years, I've worked with a lot of trading systems, both manual and automated. After having traded stocks on all the major exchanges as well as options and commodities, and holding several licenses within the financial services industry, I consider myself a pretty well informed guy. Over those years I have had some minor success with automated trading systems, but never anything that would allow me to take a trip to Tahiti, and not come back. When I found Doubling Stocks, my ego had to take a couple of steps backward. There is no way this can work, or so I thought.
Do Automated Trading Systems and Stock Bots Work?

Frankly, as a general rule, NO! The amount of data that has to be analyzed is extremely complex, and gets more complex every day. There are thousands of trading programs out there, from consumer level to professional. Most are indeed scams, and the ones that aren't, the ones the pros use, are to expensive for the average trader the even consider.

These systems require an incredible amount of knowledge to program. Not just an absolute understanding of technical analysis, but also of advanced mathematics, statistics and statistical analysis and advanced programming skills. That's why these guys make big bucks. They are geniuses in several areas.
More About Marl The Stock Trading Robot

So, when your a genius, and develop a program like Marl, where do you go from there. After all, guys like Carl and Michael, who had been with Goldman Sachs, don't just site around on their hands. Marl was an incredibly successful project, and they wanted to move on to something else.

I found the Doubling Stocks newsletter when I was looking at some information on market analysis and ways to analyze more stocks faster. Being the cynic that I am, I don't usually trust information at first glance, so I did a lot of research and found that there are some who are critical of the concept of Marl, giving an advantage to the big trading firms. Well in my mind, that's the kind of criticism that I don't mind seeing. In my trading efforts, I really want an unfair advantage. But I certainly didn't want to spend $28,000 on this!

The Doubling Stocks newsletter allows subscribers to see the signals and picks generated by Marl, and share in the profit. It really is the way to go for those of us who are not working for a large Wall St. firm. These are some of the claims made by Carl and Michael about Marl:

* Average returns above 100%, often within first 3 hours of market opening
* Very high rate of success of picking winning stocks
* Marl can analyze 7 stock charts per second (I'm lucky if I can truly analyze 7 in a day)
* Marl can process 1,986,832 mathematical calculations per second
* Feedback loop allows Marl to constantly be perfecting its trading formula (all that means is that it learns, and improves)
* It means that Marl can be extremely selective
* One lifetime fee of only $47
* 8 week, 100% money back guarantee!

Learn More About Marl The Stock Picking Robot

With all of the positive news being reported about the Doubling Stocks newsletter, it was worth my time and money to check it out. And I had nothing to lose with the 8 week money back guarantee. That was definitely enough time to evaluate the program. If it worked, I would be able to make back the $47 cost on my first trade. If not, I would get my money back.

I Made My Money Back, And Then Some

After my first trade, I knew this was for real. I made my money back and then some on my first trade. I average 2 trades per week, and while Marl isn't right 100% ( who is? )of the time, the upside profits are enough to keep a smile on my face, and a rapidly increasing amount of cash in my trading account.

I was thinking about making a video so people could watch the program in action, but then I noticed that they actually have one, that shows an actual trade and the profit created on the Doubling Stocks site.

I have nearly replaced my monthly income using the Doubling Stocks newsletter. I've spent years making other people money, now its my turn, and yours. The Doubling Stocks newsletter has given me the opportunity to do what I really love, trade stock successfully, and spend time with my family.

Its great to be skeptical, I was. But with nothing to lose, its definitely worth a try. Option 1 is you make your money back on the first trade, like I did. Option 2 is you find that its not for you ( I kind of doubt this), and you have 8 weeks to try it out, and get a 100% money back guarantee. Thats plenty of time to make a decision with no risk!

Heres is what I recommend you try -

* Get the newsletter (its a one time, lifetime fee)
* Don't put any money into the first 4 or five trades, but watch them as if you had money in them.
* Once you see the potential, put a few hundred in one of Marls tips.
* Relax, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the money!

Choosing An Insurance Company

“To insure is to assure”, says the catch line of a prominent ad of an insurance company. Insurance enables people to recover their losses in case of an unfortunate accident or loss. By obtaining an insurance policy, you can protect yourself from any form of risk to your life, property, health, or commodities.

Typically, there are several types of insurance; some of the most common ones being life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, property insurance, and travel insurance. While health insurance takes care of your financial needs during an illness or injury, car insurance takes care of the loss or damages to your vehicle, depending on the type of car insurance selected. However, it can be a daunting task for most people to choose a suitable insurance company from the myriad companies in the market. Therefore, it is advisable to select an insurance company based on certain parameters to get the most from your insurance policy.

Compare Insurance Rates

Rates have always been a vital deciding factor while selecting an insurance company. You can obtain online quotes of various companies that offer policies providing the same type of coverage. This will facilitate easy comparison and help you to get a clearer picture of the current insurance scenario.

Company Credibility

You may come across insurance companies that offer the same type of coverage you require, but at an unbelievably low price. In such a case, it is advisable to check the credibility of the company and inquire why their rates are so low. You can check on the reputation of a particular insurance company through the Better Business Bureau. It could be possible that the company exclusively sells only that type of insurance and is specialized in that particular form of coverage. Another reason could be that the company is relatively new in the insurance market. New companies usually offer lower insurance premiums simply to carve their niche in the insurance market.

Agents and Insurance brokers

If you are new to the insurance market, it may help to obtain the services of a skilled insurance broker. Insurance brokers have in-depth knowledge of changing trends in the insurance industry and can guide you to select an appropriate insurance policy. Many reputed companies sell their policies through their own network of insurance agents. These agents analyze your insurance requirements and accordingly guide you to a suitable plan.

Full Disclosure of any pre-existing conditions

Before purchasing any type of insurance, it is important for customers to divulge all relevant details to the insurance company. If you are buying a health insurance, for example, it is essential to mention any pre-existing medical conditions in your application. In any case, the underwriter, who processes the applications, will surely look into your history and find out about any such conditions.

You are the best judge

It is important that you evaluate the odds of opting for any particular insurance company or coverage. After assessing all your insurance requirements and the terms and conditions applicable for the necessary coverage, you can select an insurance company accordingly. Also, make sure that the company you choose offers you the flexibility of increasing your coverage options as per your changing needs.

Double-check that you have obtained adequate information about deductibles, add-ons and tax benefits, as each company differs in the benefits and features offered. It is important to read and understand the small print before finalizing on a choice. A couple of other factors to consider when choosing coverage are: customer service and rate increases.

Assure for yourself a future free from the insecurities of life by not only insuring your life and property, but by also ensuring that you get the right kind of insurance policy.

Make Sure Car Dealer Finance Is The Cheapest Option By Comparing Finance Online

When buying your new or used car with a dealer it can be very tempting to take the finance offered by them, after all they can be very persuasive. However keep in mind that all sales staff at every car dealership will use the same lines when it comes to selling car dealer finance. They will tell you the great deal you saw on the web was wrong or that the car will not be here tomorrow as someone else is very interested, however they are all cons to get you to take the finance out with them.

While in some cases you can get an excellent rate of interest and deal, the majority of time you are able to save a lot of money by going online with a specialist website and letting them search the whole of the marketplace for a good rate of interest and loan for you. So while by all means get a quote for car dealer finance, but then double check to make sure you cannot get a cheaper deal yourself. Always remember they are not going to do you any favours and they are not providing you with a service but are simply selling you a product, a loan, which you might be able to get cheaper yourself.

There are many ways you can get finance without taking car dealer finance; the first is to take out a loan or hire purchase for the car. This entails putting a deposit down on the car then making repayments over the term set out in the loan. The amount you will have to pay per month will be decided by how much the loan is for, how long you have taken it out over and how much deposit you have put down on the car.

Another option for car finance is to take out PCP, personal contract purchase. With this option you pay a deposit on the car then pay over a fixed period of time with monthly repayments that are generally very low and at the end of the loan you then have choices to make regarding your options. Once the agreement comes to an end you have to decide if you are going to pay the final lump sum left owing on the car, hand the car back and pay nothing more or part exchange the car.

Credit purchase is another option than can be used instead of going with car dealer finance. This option is very similar to PCP except that when the agreement comes to an end you have to find the money left owing on the car and pay it in full, then the car is yours.

Information about all of these options is available with a specialist website and along with this they can gather you quotes which you can then compare for the cheapest against the car dealer finance that was offered at the showroom. Whichever option you choose to take always make sure that you have read the terms and condition of any finance agreement before signing on the dotted line. The key facts can reveal hidden costs that could be included in the loan and will also state how much in total your choice of finance will cost you.

Textbook Revolution

Textbooks are more expensive today than ever before. New textbooks sold in brick and mortar bookstores that is. The Internet, on the other hand, is leading a Textbook Revolution that is changing the way merchants sell and students buy. Buying textbooks online is every student’s dream come true. They can buy them cheap, fast and easy and, on top of that, sell them back when they’re done. What else could they ask for?
Buy them cheap, fast and easy. Get cash back when you are done.

I’m not a student anymore. That’s a shame because my years in college were, hands down, the best years of my life. No responsibilities, lots of parties, sports, booze, some study and very little money to spend.

All good, with the exception of the little money part, of course. I remember myself having to pass on stuff I really wanted because I had to spend a lot of money in a bunch of textbooks that I wouldn’t use more than 10 times, at most. Back then, I had this strange cheeseburger scale to measure spending level. Each time I went to the campus bookstore and had to spend $100 in a book, the only thing I could think about was those 30 cheeseburgers I wouldn’t have because some guy somewhere was profiting out of students like me with little money and even less options.

That’s why I wish the Internet had arrived just 3 years before. Just 3 years and I would have had the money for more cheeseburgers than I could have ever eaten.

Because when the Internet arrived prices just deflated like a balloon in a cat party. And college textbooks weren’t the exception.

Not just because bookstores from all over the country compete among themselves in the most consumer-driven market on Earth; or because new textbooks can now be purchased online for a fraction of the store price. But also, and foremost, because used textbooks can be found easily online and can be bought for as little as 10% of the value that the exact same book has in a brick and mortar bookstore.

Furthermore, the moment the term ends and you get ready for spring brake or summer vacations, you don’t have to begin thinking what to do with those darn books that you probably won’t open again, ever.

Because now you just have to send them back to an online bookseller (the one from where you purchased them from if you’re smart), and then you will get cash (money, dough, dinero, currency, dollars), back so you can use it to... well, whatever you feel like using it for.

And, of course, you can also feel good about it because you are polluting less by purchasing online instead of driving to the bookstore, saving trees by purchasing a used book and extending the life value of it by using the cash back program.

You don’t believe me. You think this is too good to be true. Well, for all those non-believers I have nothing but the facts below. You want the truth, plain and simple, then just keep reading.

This book: Principles of Macroeconomics (ISBN: 0324319169), has a list price of $152.95, the NYU Bookstore sells it new for $146.00, and Abebooks.com lists it used from $7.00 + $4.49 shipping within the US. You save 92%!

Or, let’s say you like new books, which is perfectly fine. Then you could get a brand new copy of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (ISBN: 0071466339), for $106.90 + $3.00 shipping within the US at Abebooks.com (sold at the NYU Bookstore for $199.95). You save 45%! And then, at the end of the term, you can sell it back to Abebooks (at buyback.abebooks.com) for $80.28. Sweet!

How many chances you have to help the environment while saving money and getting paid at the end? Not many, I’d presume. So, what are you waiting for? Go online, search for next term’s textbooks, sell your old ones, and stop wearing the same freaking outfit for every party because that math book cost 200 bucks!

5 Steps to getting your first website set up in minutes

Never set up a website? No problem! 5 Steps to getting your first website set up in minutesSo, you want to get a website set up, but you've never done it before? I was in the same spot a few months agoI had never built a website ever. But it wasn't nearly as hard as it sounds. Here I'll show you step-by-step how I got my first website up in minutes!

Step 1. I purchased a domain name at Name Cheap, the domain name was $15 to register, and then I went to get hosting so that I could upload my webpage.

Domain names are pretty standardyou can get them anywhere really. I know that Mike Filsaime advises not to go with GoDaddythey have really strict spam policies and can freeze your domain if there are complaintsbut you can really go just about anywhere to get your host.

I would recommend that you choose the "privacy" option for your domain, so that you don't have a ton of spammers using your e-mail address or information.

Step 2. I went to Host Gator to get my web hosting and signed up for their "Baby Crock" serviceone of the cheapest hosting packages that they have online.

I think it was $8/month to get unlimited hosting for all of my website and domainsI though it was a pretty awesome deal! Host Gator has been great to work withespecially as I was getting started.

I had a lot of questions, and I just got onto their "online chat" to ask my questions. They were really helpful.

Step 3. I went and downloaded a free HTML editor called Page Breeze. It's pretty basic, but you can edit all of your web pages with it just like if you were editing a Word document.

There is another free HTML editor called "Coffee Cup" that Michael Cheney recommends as well.

NOTE: HostGator also has some terrific web templates that are already designed and you can use and upload easily in a few minutes.

Step 4. I went and downloaded free FTP software called FileZilla.

Now, I had the code and the index pages, but I didn't know how to set them up or get them up on my website yet.


Better Sex Experience - Some Tips

As everyone knows, sex is one of the most important parts in our lives. In fact, a healthy sex life can help to lead to a healthy life. So the question here is how you can have a better sex life. In fact, some people may not be able to enjoy the pleasure of sex. Of course there are various factors that can affect this issue. Yet, one common problem we have is that we may be too busy nowadays. And the stress and pressure from our work will make use unable to enjoy the pleasure of sex. As a result, the first thing is that you should learn to be relaxed when you are at home. You should never bring the stress and pressure back to home from your office. You will be enjoy your sex experience if you can be relaxed. For men, their first sexual experience may probably be masturbation. However, there are some men who will tend to rush when they are masturbating. If they have developed the habit of rushing, they may also tend to rush when they have intimate relationship with the partner. As a result, men will need to learn how to do it gently and slowly. You should
also explore new sex positions. There are some couples who complain that their sex life is too boring. This is mainly because they use the same position again and again. You can have a better sex life if you can try to find your best sex positions from time to time. Remember, you do not need to have sex in the bedroom. You can actually have sex in other places. Taking your home as an example, you can certainly have intimate relationship in places such as your kitchen or bathroom. If you have a private garden, you may even try to have it there. Make sure that people cannot see you from outside! You will also need to learn a lot of sex tips. This will help you to have more enjoyable experience in sex. You may wonder where you can get such tips. In fact, there are a lot of books discussing this issue in the market. And the book store is not the only place you can go. There are also a lot of tips on the web. You will be able to get a lot of tips from the internet. You can just perform a simple search on the search engines and you will be able to get tons of tips

You Can Select Call Center Software

The prominence of call centers has created a huge demand for call center software. Call center software is customized to manage interactions, reducing hold time, immediate routing of calls to ideal agents, providing detailed call reports and assisting in customer communication. Call center software is generally integrated with CRM software.
For more details go to: www.software-index-website.com Call center software helps in upgrading and improving customer service. It also enhances efficiency by reducing costs. It is essential that call center software helps in enriching the satisfaction of the customer with its in-built features. It can decrease the call holding period by routing the calls faster.
You should ensure you select appropriate call center software that improves efficiency and enables to attend maximum calls. The selection of call centre software should be done keeping in mind to cut the operating costs. The selected call centre software should give effective details such as number of phone calls attended the identification of the best agent who successfully attended maximum number of calls, the hold times, the number of callers who hung up on hold, etc. These reports help in analyzing and evaluating and are of great significance in helping the management in improving.
Process of selecting the perfect software
It is imperative to consider various aspects prior to purchasing any call center software. The requests per month has to calculated, nature of call centers, inbound or outbound, sales or service oriented, external or internal. You should consider the number of agents as well as their locations, determine if technical support is offered and does it assist Void. Ensure the software has adequate room for future
development. It is always advisable to take the advice of management and the IT department before deciding on call center software. Take into consideration the installation time and go for software of your preference. The software should be user friendly, the options should be openly available, identification of callers and connection using database reports should be instant. It should facilitate CTI (computer telephony integration) and interactive voice response features.
Check with various vendors and choose one who is economical and suits your budget. There are firms that provide services and products to help businesses run efficiently.
For help visit: www.quick-selling-software.com You should buy taking into consideration the number of lines you have, the number of agents you are handling, the number of operators and the products as well as services. You should not buy software just by referrals. The software you select for call centre should focus the leads to be taken, the leads under process, the leads that are complete and that which went cold.
The software should by all means give complete report daily. The daily report is the evidence of business developed. This report also indicates which staff has done maximum potential calls and the duration taken. Such reports are considered for giving incentives. The incentives earned are calculated taking into account all the essential details given by this report. So selecting call center software should encompass best features and purchasing software should be done meticulously to ensure best results.


The Killer Categories In The World Of PR

They say that the best things in life are free. This article looks at how by understanding how successful PR and press releases work you can get the very best type of marketing for your company for free!

For any small or medium sized business that wants to grow without spending a small fortune on marketing, getting great at PR, public relations and writing press releases is something you really should do.

This hidden secret of the media can help any business grow by using public relations and press releases. The secret is to remember that journalists absolutely love certain types of press release or story. If you can make sure what you have to say somehow falls into one of these categories then your chances of PR success will increase beyond belief. I will start by listing the categories and will then give you just a few examples of how virtually any industry can work with these.

Hidden Secrets of The Media. The Killer Categories.

1. The Media loves controversial news.
2. The Media loves timely news.
3. The Media loves Children or Animal news.
4. The Media loves David v Goliath news.
5. The Media loves new ideas.

These 5 categories of stories are essential for you if you want to maximize your chance of getting your press release published.

So then how can you make sure your press release falls into one of these categories?

Well let us take a bog standard occupation and see how easy it is to make sure what you have to say does just this.

The example I will use is for an insurance broker or agent who really wants to tell the world about their new website. Could there be a less boring or un news worthy release? Probably not so we will see what sort of release they could send to get action.

1. Jade Goodey, Traffic Wardens and Insurance Companies – The Norties Terrible Trio

A release reporting on a survey done to identify 3 top people/groups of people who annoy the General Public in Modern Britain. The beauty of this is that the insurance broker reports on the survey results but then puts a positive twist on the story by mentioning (not selling) how they address customers concerns on their new site.

2. Why Wayne Rooneys Left Foot costs more than Van Goghs Ear

A release comparing the insurance premium paid by Wayne Rooney and Manchester United compared to other famous people and items. Further information is held on the brokers new website along with a calculator that allows people to input their own risk details and get a quote compared to famous people in history.

3. Are you Nuts? The 1 million pound squirrel

A release reporting on how a squirrel caused 1 million pounds of damage to a property. The insurance slant is that the damage was covered and both the owner and the squirrel escaped without loss.

By understanding what the media want and how best to meet their needs PR can prove to be a lucrative part of your marketing mix. And remember it is one of the very best forms of Marketing as it does not have to cost you a penny.

Give Credit Consolidation A Go

There are a lot of ways to get out of debt and to help your credit rating. It depends on your personal situation, but you maybe able to get help to negotiate debt settlement. Credit consolidation is another great option for almost anyone. You need to remember that personal finance is your responsibility. You will have to learn all the steps it takes to repair your credit and get out of debt before you can really understand the process. You also want to make the situation as uncomplicated as possible. You will learn how to be self-sufficient and rely on yourself when you can get out of debt. This is always a stressful situation, so you want to do everything you can to minimized the stress for you and your family. No matter how stressful being in debt is, it is a lot less stressful than actually being in debt.

There are many different ways to get out of debt, so it is worth it to explore all the possible options you have in terms of getting out of debt. You need to think of all the assets that you have and how you can make them work in your interest. Owning a home can be a great asset and can really help you get out of debt. You might want to take out a second mortgage on your home to help you get the capital you need to get out of debt. You should also think about all the insurance coverage that you have and see what it can do for you. You’ll want to see if you can borrow against your life insurance policy. If you’ve paid a lot into your life insurance policy, than this would be a great solution for you. You might also be able to take money out one of your policies if you are sick or have been injured. This could help you pay off your debts or take care of certain expenses that you might have. It is important to explore all the options that you have before you decide on one. You need to find out exactly what you are getting into before you sign anything.

You might want to consider different type of assets other than your home or your insurance polices. Think about your car. Do you pay a lot each month in car insurance, car payments, or car maintenance? This could be a great way to get out of debt if you can sell your car. If you live in a city where there is good public transportation, you could save lots of money each year by living without a car. Sometimes your job may help to subsidize your transportation to work if you take public transportation to the office each day. You should think about any way to get out of debt and get your life back in order.


Conserving Resources In Minnesota With Watershed Preservation

Due to the fact that they have over 10,000 lakes, water is a very valuable resource in Minnesota. They have many programs developed for natural resources management for water resource protection and one of the new systems involves watershed. They believe that this system can be used to help enhance and to save natural resources. The basis of this system is on several different types of land that need to be and can be conserved in a sub-watershed. The first land resource they believe can be saved by watershed is critical habitats. These would be habitats that are used for plants and animals alike. This type of land is very simple to define. It is simple the space that is necessary for native natural species to survive. These different animals and plants cannot survive in an area that has been altered too much by humans. The watershed is to be used to help maintain these critical habitats as well as help repair them when they are destroyed by humans. The next land resource they would like to save with watershed is the aquatic corridor. This is the spot in which the land meets the water and they interact. All water masses have this because at some point the water is followed by the land, especially in cases of rivers and lakes. Problems being tackled with watershed in these particular areas include sediment filtration along with nutrition filtration, flow moderation and bank stabilization (stopping erosion). Minnesota has many of these. The third land type to be saved is the hyd
rologic areas that are under reserve. The definition of these areas is a little harder to capture, so instead the examples that come to mind are forest and wetlands and forests. Where water is not the base of the land but the watershed can greatly contribute to the renovation of the land. The last land resource that they want watershed to save is cultural/historical places. This is a little easier to figure out in terms of definition. These are simply pieces of land that give the people within them a sense of place. Like trails that go up mountains and parks where you can openly observe the wildlife. In Minnesota this is a very important part of land they are trying to preserve and save with watershed. In fact, Carver County in Minnesota has a management plan in place specifically to find green ways to preserve all trails and parks within its bounds. This is essential, especially within this county because its size is expected to almost double in the next ten years. Because of the estimation on growth, many conversationalists are worried of the effects humans will have on the environment, despite the fact that the environment is why they are moving there. All of these different land resources are available in Minnesota and all of them can be helped and maintained with watershed. The protection plans that the state is putting into place are guaranteeing that this northern state will be staying beautiful for many generations of environmentalists and environment enjoyers to come.

The FDIC and Living Trusts: When You Have More Than Five Beneficiaries

In a press release sent by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), as of September 26, 2008, new rules apply to deposit accounts held in revocable trusts or living trusts, as well as payable-on-death accounts. These new rules are an attempt to simplify FDIC guidelines and promote consumer and investor confidence in our nation’s banking industry. In short, where the FDIC once only insured beneficiaries of revocable trusts who qualified under FDIC guidelines (namely, the account owner’s spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, or sibling), the new and interim rule applies to any beneficiary named in the trust, including distant relatives, friends and charities. Additionally, the insured amount on accounts held in living trusts is based on the number of beneficiaries. Thus, under the new limits secured by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, each beneficiary of the trust is insured for up to $250,000-as long as there are five or fewer beneficiaries named in the trust. If there are more than five beneficiaries named in the trust, the FDIC’s new and temporary insurance limits are as follows: - Revocable trust account owners who have more than $1,250,000 in a trust-owned account, and have named more than five beneficiaries are covered by the FDIC at the greater amount of either $1,250,000 or
the sum of all the beneficiaries’ interest in the trust (limited to $250,000 per beneficiary). - If the sum of the revocable trust account is less than $1,250,000 and there are more than five beneficiaries, each beneficiary is covered up to $250,000 per beneficiary, and according to each beneficiary’s stake in the trust. Estate planning techniques constantly change to keep pace with changes in the law, and new legislation has made it even more appealing for people to set up revocable trusts or living trusts for their loved ones. In situations such as the current economic downturn, having accounts owned by revocable trusts held in FDIC insured banks adds an extra level of security to your savings. You can rest assured knowing that your named beneficiaries will receive their inheritance even in the event of a bank collapse. That kind of reassurance is worth every penny spent on a quality estate plan drafted by an experienced and specialized attorney. The government is making it safer for anyone wishing to further their estate planning goals to take full advantage of all the benefits a living trust can offer. Whether your estate planning goals are immediate or long-term, a qualified California estate planning attorney will be able to counsel you on the best options available to you to meet your individual needs.


Search Optimization Is What You Need

If you found this article because you were trying to find out how to get your website to show up when your potential customers were looking for your product, I was right where you are now. Hopefully you aren’t spending $50,000.00 per month or more on Pay Per Click advertising like I was, but if so, I feel your pain.

When the internet went public, it was thought that this was going to be the way that the little company could compete on level footing with big companies.

But that wasn’t exactly true. Sure you can point to a few success stories. Very few. But that wasn’t what you found was it?

Those advertisements on television didn’t help either. You know the one where the people build a website, publish it and within seconds they are flooded with orders.

The reality was that you built your website and nothing happened. So you tried to get all your printed advertising to list your website. It took me a year to get all my Yellow Page advertising to point potential customers to my website. A year and $10,000 per month hoping that my ad would be in the phone book that most people would keep in most cities. Did you know that an average home in California gets more than Ten phone books every year?

It was discouraging to go to Yahoo and search for your website. Finding all kinds of websites listed before yours that have absolutely nothing to do with the products you offer. The results people were getting from Yahoo sucked so bad that people started looking for a different place to search and Google was born.

I was doing everything I could to promote my website. I was even looking for outside help. I found a lot of companies that would promise me number one ranking for all kinds of terms except the ones that I needed to be found under.

I hired agencies to help me with my website design using the “hidden” techniques to get my website to number one on the search engines.

I was lucky my website didn’t get completely banned because of the “help” I was getting.

If you are reading this and recognizing your own struggle in any of this let me start by saying, there is help.
There are credible people out there to help you get to the top of the Search Results for terms that would make a difference to your business.

What you need is help with your Search Optimization. Google just recently posted a guide of what it considers improper optimization techniques which should help you ask the right questions when you’re searching for help.
It can be done. I now have my website on page one of all the major Search Engines, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and I don’t pay a dime for Pay Per Click anymore.

Typography is an important part of Web design

Website designing is one of the most important aspects of generating traffic to your site. A poorly designed Website will be a complete turn off for your online viewers. This is the reason why more and more companies are hiring the services of professionals for designing their Website in the most attractive manner. Apart from attractiveness, there are many other aspects in Website designing that aim at increasing its utility for the online viewers. If your business is based in New York and you are looking for professionals to help you in designing your website, there are many agencies in New York having expertise in the field.

Web Design New York

There are many website design agencies in New York. They help to design all types of websites: e-commerce website, html website, flash website and many more. You just have to give them your requirements and they will come with custom website designing that suits your budget as well. Agencies involved in Web site designing in New York take care of the following main designing aspects:

Typography: Typography is an important part of Web design. Your content needs to be readable to your viewers for it to be of any use. Professional Web Designers always follow the principle ‘the easier the site to read, the better it is’. There are three very useful properties to enhance the readability of your site: font, line-height, and letter-spacing. Many effective Web pages use a small, pretty standard design with some low-key colors to help emphasize the content. This is a good use of design and color if your site fits in the “content is king” category and your content consists of articles, blogs and other forms of text.

Web graphics: Choosing the right pictures or images help in creating your online presence. Also optimizing image graphics on a web page is an important aspect of Website design. The pictures or images on the web page should be of high resolution but small in file size so as not to hamper the downloading speed of the web page. This is because users do not want to wait for long to download. That is the reason why it is taken as one of the important ranking criteria of the search engines.

Video Player Custom Design: If you want to incorporate a personal web video player on your website to gain the maximum viewer ship, professionals can help you in this regard as well. If you have a video to showcase, that can be easily added to your website. Even if you do not have any, they can help by filming a short corporate event or description of your product and using it in the personal web video player.

If you are looking for a professional who can help you with your Website design in New York. It not only helps in designing your website according to your needs but also maintaining it continuously so that it always remains updated with the relevant information.


The Healing Power of Gemstones and Gemstone Jewellery

Throughout the history of mankind, we have had a fascination with beautiful things. For some, the fascination is purely aesthetic. For others, gemstones can hold a more powerful purpose.

Wearers of gemstone jewellery may find that the gems they wear provide healing properties for a variety of ailments. Other gemstones simply put the wearer in a certain frame of mind: calm, agitated, contemplative. Whether or not the healing power of gemstones can be scientifically proven, the lovely stones are used all over the world for these purposes.

Turquoise, for example, has been used for centuries to strengthen the body and protect the wearer from harm. Beginning with ancient folk remedies, turquoise has been used to promote healing of the lungs, muscles, and soft tissues. It is also said to be a soothing stone that provides the wearer with a clear head and a peaceful heart.
Quartz can be found in many varieties, each with its own set of healing powers. Rose quartz, one of the most popular jewellery quartzes, is said to promote a calm, stable frame of mind. It has been used by many to speed the healing of a broken heart, improve self-esteem, and restore calm to turbulent relationships.

Smoky quartz is another gemstone said to have extensive healing properties. It is expected to dissipate fear, depression, anxiety, and negativity. Smoky quartz is a gemstone that is often used by businesspeople who want to make wise purchases and come up with creative business solutions.

Clear quartz, or rock crystal, is one of the most powerful gemstones. When researching the healing power of gemstones, this is one that will come up very often. It is said to bring harmony and wisdom to the wearer by bringing the power of the universe into them. Clear quartz is also used to promote increased brain function and balance out thoughts and energies.
Onyx is a lovely black gemstone found often in gemstone jewellery. It is purported to dispel or deflect negativity from the wearer. It has also been said to increase the wearer's decision-making skills and improve self-control.
Pearls are without a doubt one of the most often worn gemstones. They come in several colours, but all are said to increase feminine energy and promote a sense of calm and well-being in the wearer. Pearls have been used by many cultures to treat digestive disorders and to ease the process of childbirth.
Tiger's eye is an interesting and beautiful gemstone that is said to have great powers of protection. It has been utilized in many cultures to increase psychic ability and encourage calmness in the wearer.
There are many more gemstones which are said to have healing powers. Although modern science says that these powers are not possible, people who have seen the results say otherwise. Wearing jewellery made with these gemstones may or may not have these effects on you. Whether you feel the healing effects or not, gemstone jewellery is guaranteed to make you look

and feel beautiful.

Build Your Own Work at Home Based Online Money Making Business With These 4 Secret Steps

Running an internet business is not a difficult task; but running a successful internet business can be a bit more difficult. There are thousands of people that have their own online business, but many of them are not having any luck at all. If you want to be successful while running your internet business, there are a couple of tips you can follow.
1. Before you can run a successful internet business, you are going to need the necessary knowledge. In other words, if you are looking to start an internet business, choose an industry that you are familiar with. By doing this you will ensure yourself of knowing where to start, and how to handle problems as they arise. Of course, it is possible to run a successful internet business even if you do not have past experience. You will just want to make sure that you do your homework before starting. This way you will have some background information on the industry instead of simply going into the venture blind.
2. Make sure that you are organized from the very start. The most successful internet businesses are ones that have a quality business and marketing plan in place from the start. This will allow you to follow your plan as the days go by so that you do not get lost. It is hard to be successful in anything if you do not know where you are trying to go. A business plan will give you an idea on how you want your company to progress, where as a marketing plan will direct you on how to grow your company.
These are two things that are synonymous with every successful internet business.
3. Never be ashamed to ask for help if you are having a rough time. A lot of business owners do not like to ask other people for help because they do not want to hurt their pride. This is something that you should come to grips with before you even get started. It is impossible to know everything about your industry, so there are times when you will have to ask questions. Instead of thinking of this as a bad thing, why not look at it as a way of making new business contacts? If you are having a technical problem that you cannot figure out, you should get in touch with an IT company right away. There is nothing wrong with doing this. In fact, if you do not ask questions to other people you will only be holding your company back.
4. Do not reinvent the wheel, by following an established Internet Marketing Plan you can take a shortcut to your online success. Be aware though to not follow unsuccessful plans, there are free ones which are just excellent like "The Internet Marketing Master Plan".
By following the tips above you will be well on your way to running a successful internet business. Remember, anybody can run a business, but to be successful you will have to be determined. Click Below To Get More Information


Creating Email List For Your Online Business

For any business whether offline or online you need customers. It's much easier to get potential customers into your online store, or business website, by a number of different means, search engine traffic, adverts of many kinds, or from links on other sites. It doesn't matter how they got there in the first place, as long as they buy, you can capture some details then and send them updates on your later offers or deals. But what about if these visitors don't buy, how do you bring them back again if you offer a better deal in the future, or have new products they may be interested in?

That's where an email list becomes your best friend, and online businesses biggest asset. You need to capture those email addresses before the visitor leaves. Fro more information logon to www.email-auto-format.com .This is so important that the big name online marketers make building a subscriber list one of their main activities. Some of the figures bandied about concerning email lists may be erroneous, but from my own personal experience, they're not too far out, so I will repeat them here.

Figures quoted for the value of each subscriber range from 50 cents to 1 dollar per subscriber per month, so the larger the subscriber list you have the more you can make each month, you do the maths for yourself. There is a caveat to this, your subscriber list needs to be targeted, i.e. it's no use trying to sell high heeled shoes to a predominately male audience, or sending your best ad for gardening tools to people who sign up on a site about rap music, if they have little interest you won't make anything. It's also claimed that sales increase after the potential customer has received several emails from an online business, and the extra sales are in the order of over 50% of customers purchase when they are more comfortable with the seller following receipt of the emails.

So now we know the value of having an email list, how do we start to build our own subscriber base?

The easiest method is to use an online "autoresponder" such as getresponse.com which you can preload with messages ready to send to anyone who signs up. Then you will need a way for your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or sales letter series, all good autoresp
onders will give you some html code ready to paste into your WebPages into which visitors can place their name and email address as a minimum, and some will allow you to include boxes for more information should you require it.

You now need to post this code into a visible spot in your webpage(s) and make it as easy as possible for your visitor to sign up for your email subscriber list. Now you have a way to capture contact details to give you a second chance at making a sale even after your visitor has left your site. So that's it sit and wait for those subscribers to sign up.

Hold on a minute, why would they want to sign up for your newsletter, or email series?

You need to give the visitor a good reason to subscribe to your list; after all they probably already get enough emails from spam, friends sending them the latest joke, and other online businesses who have their address, so you need to sweeten the deal in their favor. One of the easiest ways to attract subscribers is to offer a free gift for subscribing. To know more logon to www.freelist-pro.com .The gift can be as simple as making the emails a course to teach them something about the topic of your website, a free e-book (there are plenty available on a variety of subjects if you don't have one to give away already, search in your favorite search engine) or you could offer a competition where subscribers can win one of your products. Whatever you do, try to make it an offer the visitor will find it hard to turn down, and they will subscribe to get it.

So these are the reasons to start your own subscriber list, and an overview of how to start getting subscribers, but what sort of emails should you send as your list grows?

Hopefully you will now see the benefits of using email newsletters to increase your online business, or website visits, and see that it's not too difficult to get started. An article of this type can only give you an overview of the basics of email subscriber lists for online businesses, but there is plenty more available online, and I'd recommend you to find out more about it, especially how to avoid spam complaints. But most importantly, start your own email subscriber list today, and watch your business grow.

A Personal touch to 2009 gifts which will be cherished forever

December is a harbinger of all things nice. It is the last month of the year and there is so much to look forward to. Besides Christmas, New Year is round the corner .New year gifts are integral to the celebrations.2009 gifts are essentially New Year gifts dedicated to the year 2009.Shopping for 2009 gifts can be a pleasurable one, if you know the ideal place to shop.

Your New Year gifts can be made special by adding a little thought to it. 2009 gifts that add value to a person`s personality or is an item of utility, is by far the best choice. 2009 gifts with a personal touch are bound to receive a warm welcome as they are not merely endearing but often symbolic of a friendly gesture.

Welcome the New Year 2009 with gifts that have a special touch of creativity and thoughtfulness. The special and personalized 2009 Gifts symbolizes that these New Year gifts come with a personal touch like an inscription, logo, personal note and much more.

Be it a curio or a piece of jewelry, by adding a special touch to it, you definitely make 2009gifts more endearing. Personalized photo calendars are apt 2009 gifts for family and friends. The photo calendars are essentially calendar themes which can have the photo of your choice customized onto it.

If you are a corporate organization and want the best photo calendars that would serve as promotional New Year gifts then your search ends here. Picsquare.com in an online photo printing company and in association with Infibeam.com, it brings to customers an array of customized photo calendars for the year 2009.The product bouquet includes desktop photo calendars, calendar posters and customized pocket calendars. Personalized photo calendars make resourceful 2009gifts and are ideal for business associates, family and friends.

Besides calendars the catalogue includes customized mugs and t-shirts which could be ingenious 2009 gifts for family and friends. The other fascinating 2009gifts include customized New Year greeting card and New Year photo book. It also includes teddy bear, pillow cover, collage poster, key chains and chocolate wrappers which can be personalized.

Shopping for 2009 gifts is made simple with easy website tools. As the countdown for the year 2009 has begun, get geared up to buy exclusive 2009 gifts that not only brings a smile to the recipient's face but is also cherished forever.

Picsquare.com (Subsidiary of Infibeam.com) is a market leader in online photo printing and personalized New Year gifts . Customized products – you can make a photo calendar , photo greeting cards and more. Gifts from Picsquare.com are ideal for special events such as birthdays, anniversaries and festivals.


Flirt the Way You Mean It to Increase Your Dating Success

Flirting can have two different intentions. Women seem to have been born with this knowledge and men seem to have to learn it, quite the hard way. There is something known as innocent flirting, which is merely flirting for the sake of making someone feel good about themselves but without the intention of taking them home and doing them until sun up. This innocent flirting happens all the time and it is commonplace to find it in nearly every interaction between a man and a woman. Flirting can be just a way of breaking some tension or to have a little fun or to give a boost to someone’s day. However, there are other kinds of flirting that are a little more intentional and a little more inviting. Flirting with intention is like flirting to ask a question. It carries a very different tone to it and it may even be much more direct and much more sophisticated. This type of flirting is how we start the mating ritual of humans and learn about whether the party we are interested in ahs any intention of being interested back. If you are flirting with intention with a woman, you are going to lengthen your eye contact and smile with a sense of sexual secrecy about you. If a woman is flirting with you in the same fashion, then you have no question about where things are heading. However, just because a woman returns your flirting
advances doesn’t mean that she is necessarily at that moment interested in going to bed with you. It is a possibility, but not a safe assumption. Flirting with intention has a set pattern to it. You flirt with a woman you find attractive. She responds with her own flirting. The two of you end up handing the flirtatious remarks and gestures back and forth. At this time, you can be pretty sure that her intention is very serious and you should respond by asking her out. However, if she is flirting with everyone in the room, it is more likely that she is having a good time and just playing around. When you engage in flirting, you are engaging in a series of looks, comments, and gestures that indicate interest. Some people believe that you should never flirt with someone who is more attractive than you. This is a total self judgment that will leave you wondering whether you should or shouldn’t while the opportunity is there in front of you. Testing the waters with some flirting simply opens up either a positive or a negative response. If it’s positive, then keep heading in the direction of flirting and potential dating. If you are receiving a negative response, then you haven’t done anything more than made someone feel a little better about themselves. And there certainly isn’t anything wrong in that.